The Arthur Lessac and Sue Ann Park Awards
The Arthur Lessac and Sue Ann Park Awards were created by Certified Trainer Robin Aronson and Master Teacher Crystal Robbins, respectively. These awards are given to students who are embodying and using Lessac Kinesensics above and beyond ordinary classroom participation. Any Lessac certified trainer who is interested in giving this award at their institute may nominate. It is then up to the teacher/trainer to decide on the form of the award given.
2023-2024 Recipients
2024 Arthur Award
Camila Salas
University of Southern Mississippi
2024 Sue Ann Park Award
Abby Anderson
University of Southern Mississippi
2022-2023 RECIPIENTS
2023 Arthur Award
Claude Daniel
Santa Monica College
2023 Arthur Award
Tae Yoon
Santa Monica College
2023 Sue Ann Park Award
Raegan Cantrelle
University of Southern Mississippi
2023 Arthur Award
Blake Waters
University of Southern Mississippi
2020-2021 Recipients
2021-2022 Recipients
2022 Arthur Award
Kevin Rains
University of Southern Mississippi
2022 Sue Ann Park Award
Cody Elsensohn
University of Southern Mississippi
2021 Sue Ann Park Award
Courtney Jones
University of Southern Mississippi
2021 Arthur Award
Bryan Peyton
University of Southern Mississippi
2019-2020 Recipients
2020 Arthur Award Recipient
Raven McGowan
University of Southern Mississippi
2018-2019 Recipients
2019 Arthur Award Recipient
Elizabeth Oakes
Santa Monica College
2019 Arthur Award Recipient
Savannah Bauer
University of Southern Mississippi
2019 Sue Ann Park Award Recipient
Eleanor Langthorne
University of New Hampshire
2019 Arthur Award Recipient
Serena Lockhart
University of New Hampshire
The Sue Ann Park Award
The Sue Ann Park Award is for the student that the certified trainer observed as detail-oriented, rigorous, and particularly adept at the written work connected to training and to continued growth.
• Trainer has worked with the recipient for at least 2 semesters in one of the following capacities: as a student, vocal coaching, directing or acing with the recipient, student TA for one of the trainer’s classes.
• Exemplary in the areas of Academic Effort, Rigor, and Standards
• Carryover into personal life
• Passion and skill for marking
• Excellence in analyzing text
• Giving constructive and honest feedback
• Dynamic artist
Award Recipients
• Will be listed and/or pictured on the Institute Website Arthur Award and Sue Ann Award page and on Facebook.
The Arthur Lessac Award
This award is intended to empower a student, who the Lessac certified trainer has witnessed, worked with and observed and who truly excels in the area of bodyvoice.
Trainer has worked with the recipient for at least 2 semesters in one of the following capacities: as a student, vocal coaching, directing or acting with the recipient, student TA for one of the trainer’s classes.
• Passion and clear growth with the work
• Student embodies the idea that one voice could change the world
Suggested Criteria
• High work ethic combined with real curiosity
• Gracious and giving human being
• Impacts students around him/her
• Student willing to fail big and seek out solutions