Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility — The Lessac Training and Research Institute®

Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement

At the Lessac Training and Research Institute, our commitment to diversity and inclusion is crucial to fulfilling our mission. We welcome the wide range of experiences and viewpoints that members bring to the Institute, including those based on nationality, gender, culture, educational and professional backgrounds, race, ethnicity, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, pregnancy and age differences, job classification, veteran status, and religion. In our inclusive workshops, all at every level of the institution are valued members of the community, regardless of their status, are insured the right of equitable, fair, and respectful treatment. We seek to leverage the proven benefits of enhanced innovation and creativity, and greater satisfaction that is derived from a diverse and inclusive environment, delivering value to our membership. We are committed to ensuring that the Institute is diverse and inclusive.

We acknowledge and address systemic barriers that prevent access and opportunities for those who have been historically and economically excluded.

We are committed to creating affordable solutions to provide equal access wherein our participants can thrive without being constrained by historical and economic inequities. While we list our fees in US Dollars, our teams work with every individual and strive to ensure that neither socioeconomic status nor currency conversion rates create insurmountable barriers to those who want this work.