Bibliography - 2009 - Present
Books and articles about, or referring to,
Lessac Kinesensics from 2009 and beyond
Antunes, AB. 2018. Corpo-máscara em jogo: a rua como lugar de encontro.
Barnes, M. 2011. Standard speech practices and pedagogy: A snapshot of the moment. Voice and Speech Review 7(1):224-234.
Castillo Arévalo, CT. 2013. Entrenamiento vocal en los grupos teatro la Candelaria y teatro Varasanta, de Bogotá.
Coccaro, LM. 2012. O percurso da presença como um espaço de trânsito entre estados corpóreos. Anais ABRACE 13(1).
Donadel, M. 2010. Arthur Lessac–A criação como experiência na corporeidade do ator. Anais ABRACE 11(1).
Donadel, M. 2012. Disponibilidade para criar: o trabalho a partir de Arthur Lessac como preparo para improvisação. MA dissertation. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Instituto de Artes. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas.
Elchuk, T. 2018. The Neurobiological Basis of Emotion and Imagination in Relationship to Breath and Guts: Smukler’s Swamp as Case Study. Voice and Speech Review:1-14.
Haarhoff, È. 2018. The use of embodied imagination and empathy to bridge actor–character dissonance. South African Theatre Journal31(1):115-132.
Hurt, M. 2009. Essay: Building the Foundation in Lessac’s Kinesensic Training for Embodied Presence. Voice and Speech Review6(1):100-110.
Hurt, M. 2016. Yoga and actor training, Voice and Speech Review 10(2-3):205-207,
Hurt, M. 2019. What “Embodied Voice” Means and How It Can Transform Your Life. [O]. Available:
Hurt, M. 2014. Arthur Lessac’s Embodied Actor Training. New York: Routledge.
Law, H. 2015. Acting with an Accent: A Practical Exploration of General American Accent vs. British Received Pronunciation via International Phonetic Alphabet Applied to Performance. Honors dissertation. Texas Christian University, Texas.
Lemmer, K & Munro, M. 2011. Lessac’s Structural NRG as an Aid to Zulu Performers’ Production of English Vowels–A preliminary exploration. Voice and Speech Review 7(1):121-131.
Lemmer, K. The actor’s use of the prosodic elements of speech to express clarity and intent in performance. PhD dissertation. University of Pretoria, Pretoria.
Lessac, A & Kinghorn, D. 2014. Essential Lessac: Honoring the Familiar in Body, Mind, Spirit. Barrington: RMJ Donald.
Masters, B. 2017. The Archeology of Memory: Directing Vigils by Noah Haidle. Master of Fine Arts. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
Mihić, SS, Maich, K, Belcher, C, Perrow, S, Barišić, A & Ramić, NN. 2017. The Role of Bibliotherapy and Therapeutic Storytelling in Creating Inclusive Classroom Communities, in Handbook of Research on Classroom Diversity and Inclusive Education Practice edited by CM Curran & AJ Petersen. Pennsylvania:IGI Global:375-398.
Munro, M. 2018. Principles for embodied learning approaches. South African Theatre Journal 31(1):5-14.
Munro, M & Lemmer, K. 2018. Multilingual Theatre Voice Training in South Africa: Our Translingual Attempt Employing Lessac Kinesensics. Voice and Speech Review 13(2):173-187.
Munro, M, Kinghorn, D, Kur, B, Aronson, R, Krebs, N & Turner, S. 2017. Vocal Traditions: Lessac Kinesensics. Voice and Speech Review 11(1):93-105.
Munro, M, Turner, S & Munro, A (eds). 2017. Play with Purpose: Lessac Kinesensics in Action. New York: Lessac Training and Research Institute.
Munro, M, Turner, S, Munro, A & Campbell, K (eds). 2009. Collective writing on the Lessac Voice and Body Work: A Festschrift. New York: Lessac Training and Research Institute.
Oliveira, MRT. 2013. Arthur Lessac: um ensaio sobre as energias corporais no treinamento do ator. Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença 3(2):539-555.
Panisson, L. 2016. A poética do sensorial: procediemntos de composição da cena imagética. MA dissertation, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Instituto de Artes.
Pires-Fernandes, C. 2014. The Girl in 14G: Analyzing Solutions for Vocal Issues Through Vocal Pedagogy.Honors dissertation, University of Central Florida, Orlando.
Richardson, A. 2015. Dual-dialects: a study of simultaneous verbal and gestural codes. Voice and Speech Review, 9(2-3):168-178.
Saklad, N, 2011. Deb Kinghorn. Voice and Speech Training in the New Millennium: Conversation with Master Teachers. Milwaukee: Applause Theatre and Cinema Books.
Saklad, N, 2011. Nancy Krebs. Voice and Speech Training in the New Millennium: Conversation with Master Teachers. Milwaukee: Applause Theatre and Cinema Books.
Silva, MAD, Netto, MAG & Fernandes, FV. 2017. Corpo Ancestral: processo de criação do personagem Alboury no “Laboratório de Dramaturgismo e Direção Rotativa de Cenas”. RELACult-Revista Latino-Americana de Estudos em Cultura e Sociedade, 3(2):89-95.
Steyn, M & Munro, M. 2015. Locating the ‘Voice-As-Object’ and ‘Voice-As-Subject’ for the Entry-Level Theatre Voice Teacher. South African Theatre Journal 28(2):105-116.
Tobolski, E & Kinghorn, D. 2017. Finding Common Ground: Lessac Training across Cultures. Theatre Symposium. The University of Alabama Press 25:93-107.
Tocchetto de Oliveira, MR., 2013. Arthur Lessac: Um Ensaio Sobre As Energias Corporais No Treinamento Do Ator. Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença [Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies] 3(2):582-600.