2022 LTRI Online Conference and research forum

Connecting Perspectives

Exploring an evolving world

Day 2 Schedule

JANUARY 16, 2022


9:00 AM Membership Q&A (The Membership Team)

10:00 AM Session 5: Master Teacher Tune Up (Marth Munro)

10:50 AM Changeover Time

11:00 AM Session 6: “From Online to In Person: Exploring Vocal NRG's through Various Mediums”(Gavin Matthys)

11:45 AM Changeover Time

11:50 AM “Lessac Body NRGs and Our Emotions” (Dana Smith)

12:15 - 1:00 PM Lunch Break (Mingle in our Zoom Room!)

1:00 PM Session 7: “The Body of Sound: An Integration of Embodied Voice and The Expressive Actor Technique” (Rachael Swartz & Lisa Fischel)

1:30 PM Changeover Time

1:35 PM “The DNA of Hip Hop: Shakespeare's Meter Acts as a Magnifying Glass” (Christian Tripp)

2:05 PM Changeover Time

2:10 PM Session 8: “Neurodiversity in the Classroom (And Beyond)” (Drew Arnold)

2:40 PM Changeover Time

2:45 PM “Intersection of The Living Theatre and Arthur Lessac in Applied Theatre Contexts” (Tim Good)

3:05 - 3:15 PM Break

3:15 PM Keynote Speaker - Amy Mihyang Ginther

4:00 PM Closing Ceremony and the Recognition of New Practitioners and Certified Trainers