Feel Your Feelings...

07-27-24 Melissa Hurt.png
07-27-24 Melissa Hurt.png
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Feel Your Feelings...

from $10.00

Saturday,July 27, 1:30pm EST (New York)
7:30pm SAST (Cape Town)

Check your local time here


Feel Your Feelings...Yes, Even Those: Lessac Kinsensics for Feeling the Tricky Parts of Life

You can’t fight the not-so-great feelings and emotions. They are part of life!  Lessac’s work can give us tools to cope with some trickier feelings in the human experience. 

You sang the song into your hairbrush, but now it’s true to life: “I can’t fight this feeling anymore…”

Feelings come and go, but sometimes the not-so-pleasant ones stick around for longer than we’d like…or pop up out of nowhere! Join Lessac certified trainer Dr. Melissa Hurt to explore this phenomenon. Grab your journal and be dressed to move in this 90-minute workshop on how to use the Lessac work to feel your feelings instead of shutting them down.  

If our goal as humans is to be more vibrant and alive, we must include the feelings that don't feel so great. Melissa Hurt will guide participants through meditation practices, tenets of Lessac’s voice and movement work, and journal prompts. It’s okay to have videos off and not share in this workshop!

Sliding-Scale Fee Structure:

To ensure access to our offerings are equitable and to accommodate global exchange rates, we encourage you to chose a payment that is comfortable for you. For those inside the U.S. the suggested rate for this event is $50. All levels are welcome.



Dr. Melissa Hurt (she/her) is a certified yoga teacher (700 hours) and a certified trainer in Arthur Lessac's voice, speech, and movement work. She has a Ph.D. in theater arts from the University of Oregon, specializing in embodied actor training. She is the author of Arthur Lessac’s Embodied Actor Training (Routledge), I Am the Jungle (Sounds True), and The Postpartum Path of Yoga (Integrative Studio, LLC). She has taught Lessac’s kinesensic work in academia, corporations, retreat centers, and privately for over ten years. You can get a free gift when you subscribe to her newsletter at melissahurt.com.