Membership Announcements
Hello Members! We hope you are all well and in good health during this challenging time. Some of your members have reported that they have already received vaccinations while others are still waiting with no indication of when that might happen. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, even though it maybe a bit dim and far away, but we look forward to gathering in person with loved ones, friends and students soon.
As always, please reach out and let us know if there is some way the LTRI Membership Team can serve you during this this time.
We pleased to announce that regular membership meetings will resume this month! Back in April of 2020, we started gathering online to discuss how were could possibly continue to teach online! These, then weekly, meetings became a staple for many of us and proved to be a wonderful way for our membership to connect! Well, we are happy to announce that these meetings are here to stay and have evolved to respond to our membership’s interests and we have a new name…
Kinesensic Connections
We are busy planning a year filled with great topics, guest speaker and Master Teacher updates and we hope you will take advantage of this membership benefit. We also want to hear from you! Do you have a subject you’d like to discuss? How about a professional contact who might a offer a unique perspective or expertise in an areas that intersects in our training. Are you doing something specific with Kinesensics that you’d like to share with our community? Please email us at! ( Examples: Lessac Kinesensics for Transgender vocal training, Auditions, Vocal Science, DIE Strategies for fhe Classroom, Coaching the Non-Actor, etc.)
For now, mark your calendars for the following dates and topics:
You may access upcoming LTRI Schedules at our new online Membership Calendar
Dates and Deadlines
June 13 Kinesensic Connections #4
June 20-July 17 US Intensive (Fully Remote)
July - Mid Year Renewal