Open Seats: LTRI Board of Directors


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The Nominating Committee is now accepting submissions for consideration in the 2021 LTRI Board Elections.

This year, we have two (2) open seats and are pleased to announce that one (1) seat will be designated to a Practitioner Representative who is an Associate Member of the LTRI in good standing. This is a new change to our By-Laws and we are excited to welcome a Practitioner to this role!

If you have questions or would like to be considered for one of the open seats, please reach out to our Nominating Committee and/or send your submission material to

Submissions should be received by December 31 and include:

  • Your current Resume and/or CV

  • A a brief statement (meaning approx. 250-300 words) of why you wish to be considered and how your individual strengths might be applied on the LTRI Board.


To be considered for a seat on the LTRI Board you must meet the following qualifications:

  • You must be an active member in good standing for the last 2 years (i.e. 2019-2020) and;

And meet 1 (one) of the following criteria:

  • Are a Certified Trainer

  • (NEW) Are a Practitioner (one of the two open seats for this election will be designated for a Practitioner Representative)


  • Have demonstrated leadership and/or effort in supporting the LTRI. (This may include active attendance in membership meetings, participating in training (for Practitioners) or otherwise pursuing education, research, and/or teaching Lessac Kinesensics)

  • Meet a strategic need of the corporation (i.e. you are a grant writer, or a lawyer or have professional experience in an area of need such as DEI training, graphic arts, marketing, promotion, fundraising, bookkeeping. etc.).

What Does Being a Board Member Involve?

Board members serve a 3-year term. Duties vary depending on need, personal interest and strengths. Practitioner Representatives serve a 2-year term with an option to remain for a 3rd year based on reevaluation and Board approval.

Board Members participate in Quarterly Board Meetings and are expected to serve on a "team" that will be appointed based on their interest and talents. Teams can include areas such as Membership outreach, newsletter, marketing, conference planning, etc. Board members should plan to invest a minimum of 4 to 6 hours a month for regular board meetings and correspondence but time commitments can vary greatly depending on LTRI events and the particular needs of the team.

2021 Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is helmed by The Immediate Past-President Steve Housley and this year, we have 3 LTRI Members serving; Zamah Nkonyeni (South Africa) Laurie Mufson (U.S.) and Marth Munro (South Africa).

The Nominating Committee will review all submissions and consider which candidates meet the qualification and the current needs of the LTRI Board. Voting Members** will be sent a list of final candidates in early January and will be able to cast their votes digitally between January 18 to January 31.

General Membership Meeting

Please Mark your calendars for February 6, 2021 at 10AM EST (7AM PST/4PM GMT+2) for our Annual General Membership meeting which will take place on Zoom.
The new board members will be announced at this meeting. The finalized agenda for this meeting will be sent in late January.

Dates and Deadlines

You may access upcoming LTRI Schedules at our new online Membership Calendar

Dec 31 Submission Deadline for Election Consideration

January 1-31 2021 Membership Renewal Period

Jan 10 Remote Workshop w/ Deb Kinghorn (1:00PM EST)

Jan 18-31 Voting Period

Feb 6 General Membership Meeting (10AM EST)

Renew your Membership for 2021

*Qualifying Member

  1. Has been a Professional member in good standing of the LTRI for at least two (2) years.

  2. Has demonstrated ‘extensive’ leadership and effort in supporting the mission of the LTRI and is recommended for nomination by a current board member. (Extensive leadership is inclusive of the following: a) member is in good standing of the Corporation for at least four (4) years and b) member has served at least one term as Coordinator, Officer, or Committee Chair or demonstrated significant committee service.)

  3. Is nominated by unanimous vote of the board and will provide support or service that address a fiscal or strategic need of the corporation.

**Voting Members are Professional Members (those designated as Certified Trainers or Master Teachers) and Associate Members (those designated Practitioners). Individual and Student Members do not have voting privileges.